Buyer’s Remorse


The adventure begins. The camper has sprung a leak.

camper leak


And it had an ant problem when I first viewed it. I didn’t notice any except dead ones after it was delivered. camper ants


But today my house has a massive ant invasion, coming from the side of the house where the camper is parked. I doubt that can be coincidence.

I am rethinking the Airbnb idea with the realization that the camper will take longer than I hoped to become livable. Let me know if you know of anyone looking for a place to rent that you think would be a good fit starting in maybe August or September. Or if you know of the best way to fix camper leaks or terminate ants. I’d appreciate it.

4 thoughts on “Buyer’s Remorse

  1. Diatomaceous Earth will first eliminate the ants then prevent them from coming in again. I sell it but you can pick it up at most garden centers. I can send you some other uses as well. If you are ble to find it, buy food grade.

  2. Yup! Diatomaceous Earth is the best stuff! And unlike lots of other stuff, even if it gets wet, it continues to work when it dries. Wear a mask, though, Connie, or at least don’t inhale any of it! We love you! The leak, well, once you find the source, the sealing of it depends on the severity of the separation of surfaces. Both our kids live in trailers and have experience with leaks so let me know if you want to find out how they fixed them. And that picture, whoo hoo! You are so beautiful! ♥

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